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About Pro Residence

We are company which offer services for sale, purchase or rental of real estate. Here you can search many properties that you may like. For promote or something else you can contact us too! 24/7 only for you

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Why choose us?

100% safe in sell and buy

Pro Residence is the best place to buy, sell or rental a real estate because we made the safest way to do it. 80K+ customers believed us and they are happy now with our work.

Too many properties

If you are interestedto buy or rental e real estate is big step in your life but you do not know which property to choose, in the Pro Residence you can find too many different properties, so you can search for properties , have a look and buy it.

Support 24/7

As we said early, if you want something from us you can contact us and we are online 24/7 only for our costumers. Contact center is active and is waiting for your request for something, so if you want to ask something, go to contact page and do it.

How to use our services?


Choose your property

Firstly choose your property which you want to buy or rent it. Edit filters to make it easier or search it randomly, find the best property for ypu, contact the seller and enjoy your new property after the deal! This is what we made for you.


Sell or rent any property

Firstly take photos of your property, prepare your documents to sell it, write all informations at "add property" menu, set the best price for you and for customers, describe it in the best way and be ready to contact with interested customers for your property.


Promote your property

Promoting your property to sell is the best way to realize it, of course we can offer this. By promoting your property at Pro Residence you will get some benefits: the first one is your post can see more people, the second one is your customers will contact with our agents.

Buy the best for you.

Sell the best for others.

Be the best trader depending in two things: Buy the best for you and sell the best for others. This is our best message to learn to traders just to have the good relationship between seller-buyer. So if you are buyer you can find here very good sellers who think for you too, do not wait and find the best property you want for yourself.

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